Now, I know it looks like I am superimposed, but no! I really was there and it really was that beautiful, what an amazing experience so early in my munky trip. I had such a great time at the waterfalls, you can get right up close on the Argentinian side, basically the falls stretch nearly 3km across the borders of Argentina and Brazil, about 90% of the falls are in Argentina but the view from Brazil is better as you can see the whole thing. Unfortunately with this crazy south american weather, it was about 35c when we were in Argentina and then the next day there were thunderstorms so we couldn't see very well from the Brazillian park, it was still an amazing view but was a shame that it wasn't as clear as the day before -
still pretty cool though :)
Lovin' the blog - it's fantastic! Look forward to seeing more amazing pix and hearing all about the adventures of Milo the Munky as he continues his travels! Glad you're having a great time.